Marina Vasileva

Since 2015 she is Board Member of Brazz Association, conceptual unification of brass musicians, created in 2008 by trumpet player Mihail Yossifov and trombone player Velislav Stoyanov, the most active contemporary musicians in Bulgaria. In last few years actively works for the promotion and revival of brass music in Bulgaria, and its spread around the world. Marina was the only one representative of independent culture sector in the first Art Forum for cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and 16 countries from Central and Eastern Europe China CEEC 16+1, held in Beijing, May 2016, followed by participation in China CEEC Cultural Week 2017, International Art Carnival Beijing 2017, as well as participation in China CEEC Music Week, Chengdu 2019. From 2016 to 2019 she realized couple of tours for the music projects from Brazz Association portfolio in China.

Since the beginning of COVID crisis she is part of Expert Working Group of the independent cultural sector with the relevant ministries developing measures to overcome the crisis and creating a registry and status for independent artists.

As a board member of Bulgarian Music Association, Marina works actively in the field of the organization’s advocacy and cultural policy development. Since November 2021 is project administrator for Bulgarian Music Association of MOST – Bridge for Balkan Music, which mission is to boost the music market of the Balkans by connecting and supporting people in the world music market.