Zanadu is a young band from the foothills of the Vodno mountain in Skopje, who enjoy the freedom that the music provides, without genre restrictions, freely following the flow of the moment. To date, they have a debut single “Navika” and an album titled “Sonishta” on the air.This year they released two new singles, “Ne Sakam” and “Ochi” (recognized by the eminent music journalist David Frick, who is a former journalist in the best music newspaper “Rolling Stone” and already played on the American multi-million radio station SiriousXm), followed by a videos that is an announcement for the second studio album.
The band was formed in 2021, at the age of seventeen, and now with more than thirty performances behind them, including performances at prestigious conference festivals in and outside Macedonia (Belgrade—”Changeover Festival” and Sofia—”SoAlive Conference”), they are slowly but surely finding and consolidating their place on the border between the avantgarde and pop scene in Macedonia, the Balkans, and beyond. With their youthful energy and bold attitude, they freely swim across the spectrum of frequencies and genres, searching for the sound that will bring change.
They are currently working on their second studio album, behind which there is an experienced team that is a support for the youthful flightiness of the band.