Adam Kiepuszewski

Franek Warzywa & Młody Budda (vegetable-core/jazz hyperpop/rave punk) Deemed “insane” by renowned internet music critic Anthony Fantano and praised by Eurovision stars Joost and Joker Out, Franek Warzywa & Młody Budda are certified fresh like the veggies they sing of. Pseudo-nationalist potatoes, local food markets invaded by leeks, being chased by six suns… everything goes in the strange, colorful world of Franek Warzywa & Młody Budda (Frankie Veggies and Young Buddha). The sensational audio-visual Polish duo have found their popularity through internet stardom, but it’s the raw energy of a live performance they crave most (except for eating your veggies of course). Whether it’s presented in an art gallery, food market or a concert hall, their blend of hyperpop, jazz and punk music mixed with face-melting visuals makes it a passionate performance not to be missed.