Freakin’ Disco

The music of Freakin’ Disco is deep, psychedelic and groovy. The elemental power of their live performances launches the audience to space. Instrumental electronica.

The band was selected to HEMI’s mentor program and nominated for the HEMI Awards for 2024. Earlier they were included by IMPALA (European independent labels’ association) on their ‘100 bands to look out for in 2023’ list.

Their third album, TOTEM, was released in July, 2023. The first single, Face Yourself, was produced by multi-Grammy Award winner Steve Dub, producer of The Chemical Brothers, The Prodigy etc. and was released in November 2022. The music video was directed by Karlovy Vary Film Festival Grand Prize winner film director Szabolcs Hajdu and won the Best Electronic Music Video at the Europe Music Video Awards. A remix by producer HRTL (CZ) was also released along with the song.

While Freakin’ Disco went on tour with Toot Ensemble (CZ) in March 2023, they also released two more singles – Gekko and Something – from the upcoming album, and one more single and live session video for Freak Out just one week prior to the album release. During the summer, the band performed at international festivals like Kolorádó, Bánkitó, Double Rise (RO) and mumush (RO).

Their second album, MONSTER, was released in November 2018. The music video of RULES made it to the finals of New York’s One Screen film festival and the Berlin Music Video Awards. The video received the Best Director Award at Hungary’s Music Video Awards.

Monstre, a concert film of the band’s sold-out show at the prestigious Trafó House of Contemporary Arts in Budapest was released on Youtube in 2020, while Live at Bánkitó live EP was released on YouTube and the streaming platforms in2017.

★ Concert highlights 2024: Sziget festival (H), Liverpool Sound City (UK), Athens Music Week (GR), Bear Stone Festival (CR), United Islands of Prague (CZ), Alles Gute Festival (AT), Wianki Festival (PL)
★ HEMI 2024 mentor program and HEMI Awards nomination
★ IMPALA (European independent labels’ association) ’100 bands to look out for in 2023’ list inclusion
★ Europavox ‘band of the month’ nominee in November 2023
★ single in November 2022, featuring Grammy Award-winner producer Steve Dub (The Chemical Brothers, The Prodigy etc.) and Karlovy Vary Film Festival Grand Prize winner director Szabolcs Hajdu
★ Face Yourself–Best Electronic Music Video @ Europe Music Video Awards
★ festival highlights:Sziget (H), mumush (RO), Beseda u Bigbítu (CZ), Vsudybud (CZ), Malom (SRB), Slaughterhouse (DK), SramlFest (CZ), ArtMix (SK), Double Rise (RO), NFGreen (SK), Budapest Showcase Hub(H), MENT(SI), Ozora(H), Valley of Arts(H), Kolorádó (H), Bánkitó(H), Fekete Zaj (H), Campus (H) etc.
★ concerts and tours abroad: exchange with Toot Ensemble (CZ), London, Brighton, Berlin, Prague, Bratislava, Nitra, Transylvania tours, Polish tour
★ Rules music video is runner up on New York’s One Screen Short Film Festival and Berlin Music Video Awards finals
★ Rules music video winner of Best Director Award at Hungarian Music Video Awards 2019
★ advanced funding (2018) and advanced export funding (2024) of the Hungarian Cultural Agency

Their music expands the universe to infinity between your ears and you come to understand Einstein. You understand how going high speed feels like when time slows down and it pulsates in your palms.” (Péter Kárpáti, dramaturge)

Freakin’ Disco leads us to a labyrinth which we don’t want to leave. We don’t need Ariadne’s thread, a Minotaur is approaching, the door closes behind us, and we start dancing.” (Balázs Latorczai, Szimpla Garden)

Their music blends the precision of electronic music with improvisative jazz elements, they describe it with five words: jazz, space music and techno.” (Budabeats Records)