Leila Chaibeddra

Tartine Production is a music booking agency and production company focusing on current world music.

Since 2012, we have curated a catalog of artists from around the world. What do they all have in common? They all bring a hybrid and groundbreaking sound, and for most of the artists, they express themselves in their home tongues: Arabic, Creole, Portuguese, Wolof, Bosnian.

Our catalog is bright but demanding. It is the result of a collaborative and international strategy, directed by Leïla Chaibeddra, founder and head of management, development and distribution. Our team is built around various core competences : David Peroncini is the business management specialist, Emma Drouin, of marketing and communications, Clémence Séchet deals with tour logistics and Léa Capdevielle for booking. To be able to do our best work, we like to be surrounded with like-minded professionals who also support our artists (labels, press agents, managers, publishers, …).

Collaborating with so many partners around the world, our strength is our international reach. Each of our artists is recognized in his/her country. Tartine production allows them to reach ears in all continents.

Between here and there, yesterday and tomorrow, our artists aren’t constrained by time and space. The results are innovative musical cocktails composed of electronic dabkeh, arabic hindi pop , chaabi gipsy, creole électro pop , afro cosmic groove, multi-ethnic and colored hip-hop…

These fluid musical genres reflect the cultural diversity of our time and highlights them.