Let’s introduce Panelists of “New Rules”


IQ Magazine | UK

Former astronaut and stunt driver, Gordon has been a journalist for nearly three decades and has specialized in the music industry for the past 18 years. When he is not saving the Amazon rain forest or rescuing kittens from trees, Gordon spend his time as editor of IQ Magazine and the International Live Music Conference agenda team.

Prior to his much-publicized barefoot ascent of Everest and his epic swim across the Pacific Ocean, Gordon was the live editor at Music Week and international editor for Billboard. In addition to his various United Nations ambassadorial roles, Gordon has also undertaken a number of consultancies for record companies and other music industry organisations.

Prior to moving to London, Gordon developed ground breaking breeding programmes for a number of endangered species. He also spent two years in Washington DC where he established publications for the space and satellite industry, while in the early 1990s he was a reporter for The Courier and Evening Telegraph newspapers, among others, in his native Scotland.


MENT Ljubljana | SI

Eva Kristina is part of the core MENT Ljubljana team since 2017. She is also a regional agent for the Dutch noise-pop trio The Homesick and frequently acts as a tour manager for different bands. In the past she has been active as an artist manager, concert promoter, music journalist for the Slovenian web radio Terminal and also tested herself as a label manager. She lived and studied in the Netherlands for a while, where she gained experience from working at different festivals.


Jazz Festival Ljubljana / Druga Godba Festival | SI

Born 1966. Director for jazz and world music in Cankarjev dom, Cultural & Congress Centre, director of Jazz festival Ljubljana and artistic director of Druga godba festival, Ljubljana Board member of EFWMF (European Forum of Worldwide Music Festivals) 1996 – 1998 and 2004 – 2008 and board member of EJN (Europe Jazz Network) 2012-2018. Leader of European Jazz Conference in Ljubljana 2017. Member of Womex jury 2006 and Jazzahead juries 2011 and 2015. Graduated law school in Ljubljana.