Join us with Markus Linde, co-founder of Europe in Synch and Head of their Academy. Their work focuses on bridging the knowledge-gap between music and the audiovisual sectors (film, tv, advertising, games) to improve regional synch landscapes. Together with his guests, Markus will identify and discuss the basic requirements from music professionals: How artists, publishers, labels and music agencies get set for successful synch work in the diverse music landscapes of the Balkans. GYST!* – and know your clients!
Moderator: Markus Linde (Europe in Synch | DE)
Nikola Jovanović (Virgin Music Group | RS)
Emil Hadji Panzov (Filter Label | MK)
Manca Ogrin (SIGIC | SI)
29.11 | MKC Gallery | 12:30 – 13:30