Take on a new challenge, become part of the music showcase at PIN2023.


All artists whether solo or a band, no limitations to their genre, can submit their application and have the chance to be chosen for PIN’s artist roster.


If you’re passionate about your craft and want to showcase your music to a wider audience, this is the opportunity for you. Not only showcase your skills, but connect with fellow musicians and music lovers, gain exposure for your music at PIN – the hotspot for music industry professionals in the Balkans.


Ги собираме во Скопје главните ликови од регионов и Европа, кои треба да ја чујат вашата музика! И едвај ве чекаме! Пријавете се и бидете дел од ПИН – најголемата изложбена музичка конференција кај нас: LINK